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Current Population And Historical Trends

Ireland's Population: Insights from Recent Data

Current Population and Historical Trends

As of June 5, 2024, the population of Ireland stands at approximately 5,087,152, according to estimates from Worldometer based on United Nations data.

In April 2023, Ireland's population was estimated at 5,281,600. The island of Ireland's population has experienced fluctuations over time.

Ireland's Population Chart and Table

A comprehensive chart and table detailing Ireland's population from 1950 to 2024, along with United Nations projections to 2100, can be found online.

Population Distribution and Density

Currently, approximately 63.7% of the population of Ireland resides in urban areas, corresponding to 3,221,262 people in 2023. The population density in Ireland in 2023 was estimated at 73 people per square kilometer.

Demographics: Population Aged 65 and Over

As of April 2021, there were an estimated 742,300 people living in Ireland aged 65 and over. This group represents the only demographic sector to experience an increase in population share.
